
Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Ideas for Nonprofit Blogs

After reading Deborah's blog entry titled Blogging for Nonprofits: There's Less to This Than Meets the Eye , I decided to write an entry on ideas for nonprofit blogs.

In my opinion, a blog for nonprofits can be compared to a newsletter.

What would nonprofits want their readers to find out about their organization?

Here are some ideas for what to include in a blog for a nonprofit organization:

  • News
  • Upcoming events
  • Past events
  • Wish list
  • Articles about the organization
  • Links to websites /articles related to the mission of the organization
  • Pictures
  • Facts about topics relevant to mission of organization
  • How to get involved in the organization


Anonymous said...

The nonprofit American Lung Association of Minnesota began blogging several months ago.

Please visit, blog about us or add us to your blogroll, if you wish.

Robert Moffitt
Communications Director
American Lung Association of MN

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right on the mark re: blogs can be compared to a newsletter...that's part of the problem. A lot of nonprofits already have effective newsletters and they very much think there's not a need for a blog, given this fact. I actually think we're better off trying to figure out how to use blogs in a more strategic, interactive, authentic way (and not just pushing out content). On the other hand, a blog could be a good way for a nonprofit to cheaply communicate with constituents.

Amy said...

I think Newsletter readers and blog readers are a different target market.

One great thing about blogs is once they are setup, it is very easy to maintain. Also, VERY easy to publish information.

I tried to get my friend to use a blog as her main website because she had updates about her business every week or so, but she could not get past it being a blog. I don't think web users would care what format your site is in as long as it is easy to use.