- To connect with others through the nptech tag experiment
I started learning about the nonprofit technology field in late 2004. I learned about the nptech tag experiment in early 2005 and joined delicious to participate. Through this project I connected with Marnie, Deborah, and others.
- To share resources with others by using tags and analyze what tags other people were using
When I first started saving bookmarks I used as many tags as I could think of to describe the website. I would always look and see what tags others used to describe sites. I analyzed the nptech bookmarks to see what other tags were used.
- To learn about resources by tags and popular sites
I would always look at tags to see what new sites were added. I also find new sites from the main delicious page.
- A place to store all my bookmarks and resources I would like to read at a later time
- To organize the Nonprofit Blog Exchange content
Since starting The Nonprofit Blog Exchange, I have added all the blogs that are part of the project to delicious. Every month I write roundups and I keep track of which entries to include by saving them on delicious.
- To write blog entries about delicious
My most popular entry titled Tagging Bookmarks with del.icio.us for Educators was written in April 2005.