
Thursday, May 25, 2006

Tagging to Organize Content

I have been thinking alot lately about how tagging and social bookmarking can be used in the nonprofit sector. The one thing that I thought of right away was using tags to organize content better. That means use tags that will help you find content better.

How can you use tags?

  • Create a tag that will be used for news and press releases for your organization. Give the URL and/or RSS feed to people outside of your organization to keep up with the news.
  • Create tags related to your mission to find links and photos easier
  • Create tags for events
  • Are you a large organization? Keep track of your members or chapter websites, blogs, other related items using a tag.
  • Need to collaborate with other staff members for a project, research, or event? Create a tag for to help collaborate better.
  • Do you work at a museum or are you creating a scrapbook? Be sure to tag photos to find these items easier.

These are just a few ways you can use tags. What other ways can you think of?

Tags : , ,

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