
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Healthcare Blogosphere Survey

In July 2006, Envision Solutions and The Medical Blog Network launched the first global survey of healthcare bloggers. They launched the survey because the healthcare blogosphere is rapidly growing in size and importance.

The results of the survey are now available and you can view the full report at .

Here are the findings of the survey that I thought were interesting:

  • 3.3% of the respondents classified their blog as an advocacy org/nonprofit
  • When asked about the most important reason they started blogging, 19.2% of the respondents stated that they blog to educate others and 8.5% of the respondents blog to advocate for a cause
  • When asked about the second most important reason they started blogging, 24.9% of the respondents (the majority of the respondents) said they blog to educate others and 11.9% blog to advocate for a cause
  • 55.7% blog about health news, 60.9% blog about personal experiences, and 47.1% blog about disease information

Since not many of the bloggers that participated in this survey blog for a nonprofit, I started thinking about the blogs I have come across that are for health related organizations and the content health organizations could blog about.

What health organization blogs do you read? What do you think health related nonprofits should be blogging about?

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